Ep 74: Getting Rich vs. Staying Rich

They are two very different games… Getting rich and staying rich sometimes take contrasting methodologies and attitudes to be successful. On this episode, we'll explore why that is, compare the science of investing vs. the emotion of it, and how you can include all of this in a real world financial plan. And we'll get Brian to explain what it means to plan on your plan not going to plan.

This episode is inspired by chapter 5 of the book "Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel. And Brian's giving away copies of the book to listeners. Do you want one? Then call or text Brian and let him know you'd like a FREE copy! Call/text 404-593-4157.

Also, check out a related episode to today's discussion where we discuss the Cash Flow Confidence Formula: https://www.livingworth.com/podcast/2/15/22ep-64-cash-flow-confidence

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