Posts in Podcast Brian
Ep 26: Addressing The Risk To Your Retirement Security Part 1 - The Role of Long Term Care

Certified Financial Planner Jamal Mahmood joins the show to start another two-part series. This series explores two major risks to your retirement security. In part 1, we'll explore the need for long term care coverage and explore some of the creative ways Brian and Jamal help solve the problem of accounting for future healthcare needs.

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Ep 25: It's All Greek To Me Part 2 - A Gamma Optimized Portfolio

We're back to the alphabet soup we first started to explore in episode 22 of the show. On that episode we dove into financial terms like Alpha, Beta and Sigma. Today, our focus is on Gamma. And the major shift here is from focusing on specific investment measurements to truly trying to understand the additional value that a financial advisor brings to the table. How can a good financial advisor help you make good financial planning decisions and how can we measure that impact? We'll cover the five key indicators and factors that go into finding that value. There's a lot to unpack here, but that also means it's a great opportunity to learn something new. So grab a slice and lend an ear as we kick off the 25th episode of Make The Dough Rise!

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Ep 24: Investor Rules Of Thumb Part 2 - Distributors & Retirees

In the second part of our rules of thumb series, Brian, Kerrie and Walter will tackle rules that apply to us once we retire or enter that distribution phase of our financial lives. We'll cover the 4% rule, when to take social security, and asset allocation.

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Ep 23: Investor Rules Of Thumb Part 1 - Accumulators Saving For Retirement

Certified Financial Planner Kerrie Debbs joins the show today to begin our two-part series on rules of thumb investors need to know. This doesn't mean we should always follow the various rules of thumb, but it's important to understand them and know when they should and shouldn't apply to us. Part 1 covers rules that are applicable to us during the accumulation phase of life, or pre-retirement. We'll cover the Rule of 72, Emergency Funds, and "buying on the dip".

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Ep 22: It's All Greek To Me Part 1

If you're ever trying to diagnose an investment or look under the hood of your portfolio, you're likely to find lots of metrics that might feel an awful lot like (Greek) alphabet soup. On this show, Brian will help us look at some industry jargon and break it down into simple terms to help us better understand how things like cost, risk and performance are evaluated for various investments. You'll learn about Alpha, Beta, Sigma, and Sharpe Ratios. Don't be intimidated by it all. As always, we'll make it easy to understand (well... at least we'll try).

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Ep 21: Investing In A Post-Coronavirus World

How much has the Coronavirus cost the United States? Is Mnuchin right that it's "not the time to worry about debt"? What kind of damage is being done to the economy with the large scale economic shut down? And what are some of the best available solutions, strategies and opportunities to investigate in the wake of all the COVID-19 fallout?

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Ep 20: The "F" Word - Fiduciary

No worries, today's episode is NOT explicit. Brian invites Brett to join the program again to discuss this buzzword that has picked up a lot of steam in the financial world over the past few years. What is a Fiduciary? Who qualifies as one? Is it important for you to work with a fiduciary? They'll answer all these questions and more on today's show.

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Ep 19: Real Estate With Riezl Baker

Today we sit down with local realtor Riezl Baker. Riezl has been in the real estate business for over 20 years and serves the Greensboro, Georgia area. We discuss why people want to retire in the Greensboro area and what some of her clients look for when they are buying a house for their retirement. Since Brian has also put in 20 years into his financial career, we discuss what the other has learned throughout their career and how important experience is in both of these professions.

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Ep 18: Insulating Your Income Plan from the Market

The Coronavirus and other economic forces have caused the stock market to crater and experience some wild ups and downs the past few weeks. It has a lot of investors worried about how they should proceed with their retirement plans. Do you go to cash? Hold on for the ride? Or view this as a buying opportunity? Brian will talk about some of the conversations he's had with people in the wake of the market volatility.

We'll also look back at some previous market crashes and draw lessons from those issues that we can apply to today's current crisis. And if you like examples and case studies, Brian will go in depth on how he structured a real person's portfolio through the 2008 crash and will outline how the Retirement Shield Process helps clients during these uncertain times.

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Ep 17: FDR Was Right - But Then...

This episode features a neat history lesson about the origins of Social Security, but also gives Brian the chance to analyze some of the current problems surrounding this "entitlement" program. Is it truly an effective way to still eliminate elder poverty? How does it need to fit into a retiree's financial plan? We'll lay out some of the massive changes that have impacted Social Security over the past few decades and how that positions us for the future.

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Ep 16: How Much Do Headlines Impact Your Portfolio?

Coronavirus. Elections. We have some major headlines dominating the news right now and these events are causing some ups and downs in the markets. But how big of an effect do news-making stories actually have on our portfolios? And can we predict these movements and challenges before they happen? We'll take a look at some interesting studies on the subject of predictions as we analyze some recent news items along the way. You're guaranteed to learn something new on today's episode.

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Ep 15: Death Of The Stretch IRA

Back on Episode #2 of this podcast, we talked a lot about how the Stretch IRA might disappear if a piece of legislation called the SECURE Act was signed into law. Well, now it is indeed the law of the land. The Senate passed the House's bill and President Trump signed it right before 2019 came to an end and the law went into effect at the start of 2020. So while the law does bring some good retirement planning developments, it's also going to carry some negative impacts for certain investors.

If you have a high net worth, have a large IRA or 401(k) account or plan to pass money on to the next generation then you'll want to listen up to this episode. The Stretch IRA is dead and some good opportunities passed away with it, but that doesn't mean you're left without alternative solutions.

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Ep 14: Death - A Pain In The Heirs

This episode's topic isn't a fun one, but we'll do our best to make it educational and try to lighten the mood along the way. We'll discuss some of the common misconceptions people have about how to structure an end of life plan. We'll discuss beneficiaries, help you understand probate, talk about consolidation & survivorship titling. If you think a simple will is enough to handle a lot of these decisions, you should listen to this episode because we'll show you things a will doesn't address and go over the proper ways to make sure your family is taken care of during this tough financial and emotional situation.

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Ep 13: 2020 - I Can See Clearly Now

To kick off the new year we're going to tackle one of the most popular financial investment vehicles out there... the 401(k). Why is it a bad thing to be a "401(k) Millionaire" and just how big of trouble are you in if a majority of your savings is hanging out in one of these accounts? We'll answer those questions and more as we look to start the new decade off with some clarity and a well defined financial resolution.

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Ep 11: The Real Hole In Medicare

Long-term care. It's the real hole in Medicare's coverage. We promised in the previous episode we'd come back to this topic, so let's spend some time breaking down your options for addressing the long-term care need. Do you know your care options? What about hybrid life insurance policies or annuities with a long-term care benefit? Are reverse lines of credit worth exploring? Brian will take us through these items and more on today's show.

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Ep 10: Medicare & Swiss Cheese

Brett Danko joins Brian Doe again to discuss one of Brett's most passionate subjects, Medicare. Brett has a "famous" analogy to make Medicare easier to understand, and yes, it might make you a little hungry if you're a fan of swiss cheese. The two will cover all the different Medicare options and how they go about helping clients decide which routes are the best to take.

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Ep 9: No Quotas, No Bonuses

Special guest Brett Danko, managing partner of Main Street Financial Solutions (MSFS), joins the show today to talk about the special relationship between Livingworth Wealth Advisors and MSFS. They'll discuss the origin of their relationship and why this particular structure is so beneficial to clients. They'll also discuss the differences between different financial designations and what it truly means to be a "financial advisor".

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Ep 8: Guns, Gold & Ammo

Recent attacks on Saudi oil refineries have once more bubbled up conversations about the fragility of the world's oil and economic systems. What would happen if we truly had an energy, or financial crisis that led to some of our worst fears? We'll take a quick look at those scenarios on today's show and talk about what your financial plan b (and plan c and plan d) should look like. The widely agreed upon metric for "emergency savings" is 3-6 months of expenses, but is that advice really solid? We'll look at some other items you should consider making a part of your true financial back up plan.

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Ep #7: 529 Plans Are Like Good Wine (With Pizza)

Parents and grandparents often want to help with the college expenses of a loved one and so many turn to 529 plans for help. On today's show, we'll break down the good and bad of these types of plans and present you with some alternative saving methods to consider. The end goal, of course, is to help pay for the education. But can it be done more efficiently? Listen in to join the discussion.

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