Posts tagged president
Bonus Episode: Election & Market Update

The 2020 Presidential Election is still ongoing as we record this bonus episode of Make The Dough Rise. Brian gives us a look back at the week through a financial lens (as of Friday morning) to see what the election uncertainty has meant for the markets so far, and what this reaction possibly tells us about near and long term financial prospects.

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Ep 34: Brace For Impact? Mentally Preparing For The 2020 Election

Is it time to cash out and sit on the sidelines (financially) before the election happens? Do we need to prepare for long-term economic fallout from this year's election? What other unpredictable elements could drive impact the economy, you 401(k), and wallet in the days and months ahead? We'll cover all of those questions and more financial & retirement considerations as we get ready for Election Day 2020.

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